Protein is the major component of every well-balanced diet. However, there are vastly diverse perspectives on the optimal quantity of protein that individuals require. Consuming inadequate protein may cause weakness, weariness, or muscle loss. However, overconsumption can gain weight, develop renal problems, or cause restlessness.

On average, one should consume 50 grams of protein per day. Several people prefer to add protein supplements in their daily schedule. This article will discuss protein, its purpose, sources, and the required amount of protein in different individuals daily

What is protein?

Proteins are the primary structural components of your body. They are utilized to create muscles, organs, skin, and enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones, and other compounds that perform various critical tasks. Protein is an essential macronutrient that our body requires in adequate quantity.

Proteins are composed of smaller molecules known as amino acids linked together with beads on a string. These connected amino acids combine to generate protein chains that fold into complicated forms. A few of these amino acids are produced by your body. While others, termed as essential amino acids, must be obtained from the diet.

Sources of Protein Intake

A healthy and balanced diet includes a variety of protein-containing foods. Proteins are found in both plant and animal meals. Some food products are the main sources of protein and calories. It includes lean meat and poultry, seeds, eggs, soy products, seafood, legumes, and some others.

If you consume animal products such as eggs, fish, meat, or dairy regularly, you receive adequate protein. Moreover, other sources are dairy products, vegetables, and whole grains. Also, protein supplements are one of the best sources of protein intake.

What role does protein play in our body?

Knowing the best ways to increase your protein intake is not enough. You must have an idea about what protein does in the body? Protein is found in every cell of the human body. Appropriate protein consumption is essential for maintaining health of muscles, bones, and tissues. It is required by your body to keep healthy and function properly. Protein is critical for growth and progress, particularly throughout childhood, puberty, and pregnancy.

Protein is also an important component of the mechanisms that provide energy and transport oxygen around the body in your bloodstream. It also aids in producing antibodies that combat infections and illnesses, the maintenance of healthy cells, and the formation of new ones.

Required Amount of protein for an Individual

An adult should ingest 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body mass, or 0.36 grams each pound, per the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) assessment for macronutrients. It suggests that the average individual must consume around 56 grams of protein per day. In comparison, the average woman must consume approximately 46 grams. The quantity of protein needed every day by the human body varies with age:

  • Babies require: 10 grams.
  • School-aged children:19-34 grams.
  • Teenage guys: up to 52 gram
  • Teenage girls: 46 grams.
  • Adult men: around 56 gram
  • Adult women: around 46 grams
  • If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, the protein requirement increases to 71 grams per day

This quantity may be sufficient to avoid deficiencies. Still, the quantity you require is determined by various factors, like your age, exercise level, muscle mass, physique objectives, and general health.

Protein Deficiency

To know how much protein I should need, it is essential to know about the deficiency as well. The shortage of protein occurs when your consumption is insufficient to satisfy your body’s needs. Protein deficiency affects an estimated one billion individuals globally.

The problem is particularly acute in South Asia and Central Africa, where up to 30% of youngsters get insufficient protein. This includes adults who eat an unbalanced diet, institutionalized seniors and hospitalized patients.


Protein deficiency occurs due to the following causes

  • Low protein intake
  • Eating disorder
  • Genetic issues
  • Liver or kidney damage
  • Cancer’ advanced stages
  • Inadequacy of absorbing protein from food


When your body suffers from inadequate protein intake, you see the following symptoms

  • Muscle mass loss
  • Brittle and dry hair
  • Fatigue
  • inadequate growth of children
  • Swelling on the face, legs and some other body parts.
  • Infections

Can Protein overconsumption harm your health?

Not all people suffer from protein overconsumption or any relatable harm. The most serious risk concerning excessive protein consumption is for persons who are prone to kidney problems.

Our bodies cannot store protein. When our body fulfils its protein limit, it will transform any excess protein into other energy or fats. Thus, we can say that protein and weight loss are somewhat connected. So, it’s better to acquire your appropriate protein intake and then concentrate on carbs and fats for the rest of your daily calorie intake.


You may consider yourself a protein expert now, as you know all of the knowledge on protein intakes. The main thing to keep in mind here is the proper balance of protein consumption in your body. Protein consumption, whether excessive or insufficient, might harm your health. To put it another way, eat your protein with a healthy balance for a healthy body.